January 21, 2014

Mode Elle Child Stars participate in CMTC Preparatory Workshops this past Weekend!

Congratulations to Mode Elle Child Stars
attending CMTC 2014 who participated in the
Mode Elle / CMTC Preparatory Workshops
this past weekend here at Mode Elle!

Throughout the workshop this past weekend,
the children practiced & performed on the
Runway, TV Commercials, Monologues, Improv
& Cold Reading-Scenes/Script Study!

The proud kiddies showing off their certificates & stickers!

Strutting their stuff on the runway!

The kids performing their TV Commercials!

Performing Cold Reading-Scenes / Script Study

Crazy Kiddies Group Shot - Hamming it up for the Camera!! :)

Congratulations to all who participated!
We are soo proud of you!!